Dear Alexander,

Many thanks for your reply and your encouragements.
The point that you raised is very interesting and was partially done in Debian 
(they defined a wrapper around apt-get instead of refactoring it):
Part of their work was formalized in coq and implemented in OCaml.
In our case, we don't have any mechanized formalization of our model (maybe in 
the future).

I too (and my colleagues) hope that someone on the team could have some time to 
look into our project.
But maybe there are things we can do to help start a dialog, like:
 - reaching in other mailing lists
 - posting on a Gentoo forum
 - participating in a workshop/conference/other where we could directly meet 
and discuss with the community
 - or simply starting an informal discussion by email where instead of having 
to look into the Github repository, you could directly ask me

Does anyone have suggestions on that topic?

Again, many thanks.
I really hope that with everyone's feedback, suggestions, and help, we could 
make something useful from this prototype.

Michael Lienhardt

PS: I forgot in my previous mail to talk about the other persons involved in 
this project:
 - Jacopo Mauro, Post-doc in UiO (Norway), developer of the solver backend
 - Simone Donetti, Engineer in Unito (Italy), he helped me perform some tests
 - Ferruccio Damiani (Unito), Einar Broch Johnsen and Ingrid Chieh Yu (UiO), 
our supervisors

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