[gentoo-portage-dev] Portage API questions

2009-06-28 Thread Sebastian Pipping

As part of my Gentoo Google Summer of Code activities
I am making use of the Portage Python API.  As some of
you can tell much quicker than me

  - if the API can answer question X, and

  - where to find functionality for task Y

I come here to ask for precise pointers related to
gathering these sets of data:

  - publically known distfile mirror URLs
  - publically known global use flags
  - entries for package.keywords
  - entries for package.mask
  - entries for package.unmask
  - entries for package.use
  - installed packages with version numbers
  - entries for /var/lib/portage/world
  - available local use for ebuild file F
  - applied use flags for installed package P

So my two questions are:

  - Which of these sets of data can be obtained
through the Portage API, which of them not?

  - Which classes and functions should I look at?

That's it for now.
I'm thankful for any helpful bytes.


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Portage API questions

2009-07-05 Thread Sebastian Pipping
Thanks guys, very helpful!

More questions later.


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Portage API questions

2009-07-10 Thread Sebastian Pipping
in case anybody wants to have a look what i made of that you can find my
current sources over here:


thanks again to andy for his code and zac for help on IRC.
any feedback and code review is very welcome, better off-list though.


[gentoo-portage-dev] portage.settings.profiles

2009-07-10 Thread Sebastian Pipping

In my current code for GSoC/Gentoo/Smolt I access the list of folders
that /etc/make.profile and parents are resolved to:


I do this to be able access

  - profile package.mask,
  - user package.mask, and
  - user package.unmask

independently, which


seem not be able to at the moment, besides looking quite private :-)

  Among other things I want to find out if the user unmasked a certain
  package in the past even if the related mask entry for it was removed
  in the meantime.  Also, I want to be able to distinct between a
  a stable on stable package and an unmasked masked package.

What I would like to ask for is we could decide that

  portage.settings.profiles is declared part of the public
  API and not allow to change anymore


  if we could introduce some getter for now so I could surround
  the current access to portage.settings.profiles by a portage
  API version check and use the getter from a certain version on.

Integrating my code for portage related code into smolt does not seem
reasonable to me as it would require depending on a version of portage
that will not be stable before 2010 or so.

Please share your thoughts with me.


[gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] Move regex creation out of PhaseCheck constructor (Revision: 15458)

2010-02-26 Thread Sebastian Pipping
From a07a07166354e328711d1574eb06f7d357f21907 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Pipping sebast...@pipping.org
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 21:19:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Move regex creation out of PhaseCheck constructor

 pym/repoman/checks.py |   16 +---
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pym/repoman/checks.py b/pym/repoman/checks.py
index 27e02d2..02b8d03 100644
--- a/pym/repoman/checks.py
+++ b/pym/repoman/checks.py
@@ -30,21 +30,23 @@ class LineCheck(object):
def end(self):
+_ebuild_phases = ('pkg_pretend', 'pkg_setup', 'src_unpack', 'src_prepare', 
'src_configure', 'src_compile',
+   'src_test', 'src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 
'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm', 'pkg_config')
+_phase_re = '(%s)' % '|'.join(_ebuild_phases)
+del _ebuild_phases
 class PhaseCheck(LineCheck):
 basic class for function detection 
ignore_line = re.compile(r'(^\s*#)')
func_end_re = re.compile(r'^\}$')
+   phases_re = re.compile(_phase_re)
in_phase = ''
def __init__(self):
-   self.phases = ('pkg_pretend', 'pkg_setup', 'src_unpack', 
'src_prepare', 'src_configure', 'src_compile',
-   'src_test', 'src_install', 'pkg_preinst', 
'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm', 'pkg_config')
-   phase_re = '('
-   for phase in self.phases:
-   phase_re += phase + '|'
-   phase_re = phase_re[:-1] + ')'
-   self.phases_re = re.compile(phase_re)
+   pass
def check(self, num, line):
m = self.phases_re.match(line)

[gentoo-portage-dev] Composite exceptions?

2010-02-26 Thread Sebastian Pipping

I was wondering how to best handle a case with functions that I would
like to collect several exceptions from.  Is there an existing standard
way to solve this?

I was thinking of using the composite pattern for this allowing to throw
a tree of exceptions with the option to flatten it for display later.
 How far off does that sound to you?


[gentoo-portage-dev] VCS used for development of portage

2010-02-26 Thread Sebastian Pipping

Is moving portage development over to Git planned anytime soon?
Anything keeping you from the move?

Anything I can do to speed it up?


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Composite exceptions?

2010-02-26 Thread Sebastian Pipping
On 02/27/10 04:20, Zac Medico wrote:
 Do you have an example case where you want to use this?

Multiple defects in metadata.xml are such a case.
At some point all the exceptions will have to collected, e.g. two
invalid herds are mentioned.  In that case a single exception with a
list of invalid herds may suffice but it gets worse when combining
errors of slightly different types.

 Is this a
 common practice? Maybe other approaches are better?

No idea.


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Composite exceptions?

2010-02-27 Thread Sebastian Pipping
Good idea, thank you!


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] VCS used for development of portage

2010-03-02 Thread Sebastian Pipping

I've been playing with Git conversions of the portage repository.
The current demo conversion from anon SVN is up here:


NOTE: Do not use it for development, yet - it's a demo!

At the end you can find the script I made for the conversion.

Notes on the script:
- An author map portage-author-map.txt is required, get from [1]
  (Note to zmedico/robbat2: fixed version, do not use the older one)
- If updated, the latest version of this script is up at [2]
- It works with anon SVN and rsync.  For the final run
  - use developer SVN instead
  - be sure to remove --rewrite-root !
- The final repository will be about 22MB in size
- Main conversion takes about two hours on my machine

Next we need to decide on
- a final location (git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/portage?)
- when we convert (and freeze SVN)
- who runs the final conversion (zmedico, roobat2, me?)


[1] http://www.hartwork.org/public/portage-author-map.txt
[2] http://www.hartwork.org/public/portage-svn-to-git.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash
starttime=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S')

# Open logged subshell

# Print executed bash commands
set -x

# Rip/sync anon SVN using rsync
rsync -r rsync://anonvcs.gentoo.org/vcs-public-svnroot/portage/ \
portage-anon-svn-repo-dump/ || exit 1

# Init git-svn repo, note double use of --trunk
[ -d ${output_dir} ]  exit 1
git svn init file://${PWD}/portage-anon-svn-repo-dump/ \
--rewrite-root=svn://anonsvn.gentoo.org/portage/ \
--trunk=main/trunk --tags=main/tags --branches=main/branches \
cd ${output_dir} || exit 1

# Convert commits
git config svn.authorsfile ../portage-author-map.txt
time git svn fetch || exit 1

# Make real Git tags from remotes/tags/* (two special cases)
for branch_tag in $(git branch -r | grep 'tags/' \
| fgrep -v 'tags/portage-2.1_pre5'); do
  tag=$(sed 's|^tags/||' ${branch_tag})
  git tag v${tag} remotes/${branch_tag} || exit 1
git tag 'tr...@1888' 'remotes/tr...@1888' || exit 1

# Make local branches from remotes/* (excluding tags and trunk)
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v 'tags\|trunk'); do
  git checkout -b ${branch} remotes/${branch} || exit 1
git checkout master || exit 1

# Reduce size of repository
dotgitsize() { du --human --total .git | tail -n 1; }
git gc --aggressive

# Wipe all traces of SVN
git config --remove-section 'svn-remote.svn'
git config --remove-section 'svn'
rm -R .git/svn
rm -R .git/logs/refs/remotes
for file in .git/info/refs .git/packed-refs ; do
  sed -e '/remotes\//d' -i ${file}

# Hide executed bash commands
set +x

cat INFO


  # cd ${output_dir}

  Verify that branches and tags
  1. make sense
  2. are unambiguous
  3. are free of SVN
# git branch -a
# git show-branch --list
# git tag -l

  Push full repository
# git remote add \${remote_name} \${push_url}
# git push --mirror \${remote_name}

) | tee conversion--${starttime}.log

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] VCS used for development of portage

2010-03-05 Thread Sebastian Pipping
On 03/05/10 04:58, Zac Medico wrote:

 NOTE: Do not use it for development, yet - it's a demo!
 It looks very nice to me. I noticed that it preserved continuity
 when branches got moved around, so the history seems like it will be
 fully intact. Great job!

Still, maybe we should not jump on this version yet:
- with svn2git we could split it to several repositories easily
  (see [1] for status you on related experiments)
- neither svn2git nor git-svn seem to support proper conversion of
  changes to svn:ignore

Summer of code could help about the latter:

But pushing the conversion further into the future could also be a
trade-off reducing efficiency and the number of contributions.

I don't feel like proposing anything on that matter at the moment.  With
that said: what do you and Robin think?


[1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196025#c41

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] portage sources have moved from SVN to GIT

2010-03-24 Thread Sebastian Pipping
On 03/24/10 09:07, Zac Medico wrote:
 If you have push access then you can commit something to the master
 branch like this:
   git clone git+ssh://g...@git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/portage.git
   cd portage
   # edit files
   git commit -a
   git push origin master

Let me add a few more words and pointers:  let me get you started.

In this mail

- First thing to do

- On origin
- Not like Subversion:  Commits in Git
  - Committing versus pushing
  - Non-linear history
  - Commits and the staging area
- You in the future

- Resources  (lots of recommendable ones)

- Questions?

First thing to do
After cloning you need to set up your commit identity:

  git config --global user.name 'Dr. First Middle Last'
  git config --global user.email 'n...@gentoo.org'

Missing that up front is more work later.

On origin
The origin Zac mentioned is the name of a remote - a URI Git can pull
from and (sometimes even) push to.  Soon you will work with more than
one remote: From personal experience I recommend to rename that remote
to something more meaningful, something reflecting the involved host at
best, e.g.

  git remote rename  origin  overlays-gentoo-org

Not like Subversion:  Commits in Git

Committing versus pushing
In Git you commit locally, even without network connectivity.
You do a few local commits and push them to the server in an extra step:

  git commit
  git commit
  git push  overlays-gentoo-org  master

In the beginning this separation may feel like a burden.
You'll soon appreciate to have it.

Commits and the staging area

When you do

  git commit

the content of the staging area (called index sometimes) is written
into a new commit object.

So modifying the staging area you change what goes into the next commit.
Commands like

  git add file3.txt
  git add -u
  git add -p
  git reset

do changes in the index for you.

The index is one of the core features and differences to other systems
including Subversion.  Understanding the index is essential to working
with Git.  Please study online material on that topic.

Non-linear history
Due to its distributed nature
- history is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in Git, not a list
- revision IDs are SHA1s, not plain numbers

I can recommend emerging dev-vcs/gitg for a visual history browser.
Present is on top, moving down is moving into the past

You in the future
Now that we're on Git you'll soon be able (and expected) to


past commits, i.e. re-write history.  The related commands are

  git commit --amend


  git rebase -i

See here if you want to know more:

Resources  (lots of recommendable ones)

Video Talks on Git
- (2007-05-03)  Linus Torvalds
  Source code control the way it was meant to be!

- (2007-10-12)  Randal Schwartz

- (2008-06-01)  Scott Chacon
  Getting Git

- (2008-07-09)  Tommi Virtanen
  Version Control for Developers

- (2008-07-09)  Bart Trojanowski
  Git the basics

- (2008-10-27)  Johannes Schindelin
  Contributing with Git

Online Reading

- Git Magic

- The Git Community Book

- Git from the bottom up

- The Git Parable

- Pro Git

Task-oriented material
- Git Ready

- Git Casts  (actually short films)

- Git FAQ

- Check #git on Freenode  -- very helpful
- Mail me
- Call me: +49 177 / 460 46 17

Thanks for reading!

Sebastian Pipping

[gentoo-portage-dev] Handling merge issues (on the case of prefix)

2010-03-25 Thread Sebastian Pipping

As the prefix branch is not the last case where people may run into
problems with merging due to the conversion from SVN to Git I feel like
writing about it here.

In this mail

- The problem
  - Merges in SVN
  - Merges in Git
  - Consequences

- Dealing with it
  - The concept
  - Realization

The problem

Merges in SVN
In SVN people select what commits are merged from where to where
manually: SVN, merge commits 3 to 10 to branch prefix please.  What
has been merge is tracked in the mind of the person merging and in log

Merges in Git
In Git there's another place where merges are saved: in the DAG of commits:

  - A commit with several children/successors is a branch point
  - A commit with several parents is a merge point

When merging one branch into another Git runs the DAG up (into the past)
from both commits until it finds a shared merge or branch point: that's
the point up to where both branches were synced last time.  History
after that point is then merged over, nothing before.


So Git relies on the existence of merge commits to detect what has been
merged already.  Creating all these merge commits is a tough job for a
conversion tool (like svn2git) as it would have to distinguish between
cases where just a few commist have been cherry-picked over and cases
where all previous commits have made it over.

So the portage Git history does not have merge commits at these points
but plain single-parent commits.

Dealing with it

The concept
So to not get diffs way bigger than needed when merging what we can do
is we can manually (and permanently) teach Git what we know more about
portage's history.
Let's look the case of the prefix branch.

The current head on prefix has this log message:

  [head on prefix]
  Merged from trunk -r15842:15843

Looking a few commits back (using gitg or git log) on branch master I
find this commit:

  [commit f52e83b0982c9c18d96757ab55109d43a9873b3f on master]
  install_qa_check: make sure init.d and conf.d files do not have
syntax errors in them #310805
  svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=15843

So that's the commit where grobian merged trunk into prefix last time:

How do we teach Git that all that stuff has been merged already?
By creating a merge commit with two parents:

  1) f52e83b0982c9c18d96757ab55109d43a9873b3f
  2) head on prefix

This is how to do it on the shell

  # Checkout prefix locally
  git checkout -b prefix overlays-gentoo-org/prefix

  # Create merge commit manually (_NOT_ something to do usually)
  MERGE_COMMIT=$(echo \
'Teach Git that tr...@15843 has been merged into prefix' \
| git commit-tree 'prefix^{tree}' -p prefix -p

  # Inspect result
  echo ${MERGE_COMMIT}

  # Move prefix head forward to include that commit
  git merge ${MERGE_COMMIT}

  # Inspect what we have done visually

That's where we leave the land of dirty hacks and Git's so-called
plumbings. We can can continue merging the few remaining commits from
here as usual.

  # Get a feeling for what would be merged
  # Should list ~10 commits (instead of ~8000 without the hack before)
  git cherry -v prefix overlays-gentoo-org/master

  # Merge master into prefix
  git merge overlays-gentoo-org/master  # Fails with conflicts, fine
  git status
  git mergetool
  git commit
  git push overlays-gentoo-org prefix

I hope this mail was helpful to you.


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Handling merge issues (on the case of prefix)

2010-03-26 Thread Sebastian Pipping
On 03/26/10 06:23, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
 So Git relies on the existence of merge commits to detect what has been
 merged already.  Creating all these merge commits is a tough job for a
 conversion tool (like svn2git) as it would have to distinguish between
 cases where just a few commist have been cherry-picked over and cases
 where all previous commits have made it over.
 So the portage Git history does not have merge commits at these points
 but plain single-parent commits.

I was wondering if this could be something that git-svn can do better
than svn2git: after all what does git-svn do in these 100 minutes taking
longer than svn2git?

So I ran a git-svn conversion again but it seems it does no better:

  # git cherry -v prefix master | wc -l

So that looks like about the same.


Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Google Summer of Code: Bash AST and grammar

2010-07-21 Thread Sebastian Pipping

On 07/21/10 15:49, Nathan Eloe wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hello portage developers

My name is Nathan Eloe, and I'm working on a Google Summer of Code
project in which I'm writing a library that will create an Abstract
Syntax Tree of the bash grammar.  In essence I am recreating the bash
grammar and structuring it as an AST.

I am writing to you because you have shown interest in
this project.  I have attached a bash script which demonstrates the
supported functionality of the grammar thus far and the resulting AST.

Nice, you have covered quite a few constructs alraedy.

I would greatly appreciate input on the tree

I'm unsure if such a big file and tree is good to handle.
I propose to split this test suite to many small cases.

as well as insight into
missing functionality you might see.

A few things I haven't seen, yet:

  # Adjacent changes in quotation
  echo abc''def  # Makes abcdef

  # Escape sequences like ..
  echo abc\def

  # Invocation from ibnside strings
  echo foo $(echo foo), bar `echo bar`

  # Heredocs (and their variations ..)
  cat EOF /dev/stdout

  # Construct of $((..))
  # Refs to variable withzout $ upfront
  z=3; echo $((z+3))



Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Google Summer of Code: Bash AST and grammar

2010-07-21 Thread Sebastian Pipping

On 07/21/10 16:56, Sebastian Pipping wrote:

A few things I haven't seen, yet:

# Adjacent changes in quotation
echo abc''def # Makes abcdef

# Escape sequences like ..
echo abc\def

# Invocation from ibnside strings
echo foo $(echo foo), bar `echo bar`

# Heredocs (and their variations ..)
cat EOF /dev/stdout

# Construct of $((..))
# Refs to variable withzout $ upfront
z=3; echo $((z+3))

An important one I forgot:

  # Line continuation
  echo one \

Potentially hase quite a few sub cases ..



Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] portage docbook documentation - why not asciidoc ?

2010-11-27 Thread Sebastian Pipping
On 11/27/10 13:27, Lionel Orry wrote:
 [Lionel] In fact you can customize the toc level with a 'toclevel'
 attribute on the command-line, see the Makefile. I did several tries
 but you can get the same level as the original doc with '-a
 toclevels=4' if I remember well. In short, it's not a problem.

I see, thanks.

 But one thing I don't know, is that whether that doc
 asks for external contributions or is kept as an internal reference
 and should only be taken care of by the devs.

That would mean it stays unnecessarily hard for new devs to join if I
understand your point correctly.

