On 3/6/20 10:11 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
> +def _deps_equal(deps_a, deps_b, eapi, uselist=None):
> +     """Compare two dependency lists given a set of USE flags"""
> +     if deps_a == deps_b: return True
> +
> +     deps_a = use_reduce(deps_a, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi, 
> token_class=Atom)
> +     deps_b = use_reduce(deps_b, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi, 
> token_class=Atom)

It's pure luck that passing a list of depstrings to use_reduce works
here, so it will be more future-proof to use ' '.join(depstr) instead.
The relevant code in use_reduce looks like this:

if isinstance(depstr, list):
        if portage._internal_caller:
                warnings.warn(_("Passing paren_reduced dep arrays to %s is 
deprecated. " + \
                        "Pass the original dep string instead.") % \
                        ('portage.dep.use_reduce',), DeprecationWarning, 
        depstr = paren_enclose(depstr)

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