On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 09:09:40 +0000
Daniel Harik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> i've justed emerged mozilla-firebird-bin
> when i goto /opt/MozillaFirebird/
> and run:
> ./MozillaFirebird-bin
> i get this:
> ./MozillaFirebird-bin: relocation error: ./MozillaFirebird-bin:
> undefined symbol: __new_handler
> It seams to happen to Sunbird and Thunderbird as well, is there any
> possible  way to fix it?
MozillaFirebird-bin is not the executable you want.  You need to
execute ./MozillaFirebird.  Somewhere along the way MozillaFirebird-bin
gets executed, but not directly by you.

FYI, here's "my" (freely stolen a long time ago)  script to execute
MozillaFirebird. I like to keep one and one only copy of MozillaFirebird
running.  Change to HOME and PATH variables and make this executable in
one of your $PATH libraries.


export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/opt/MozillaFirebird"

# Seems like pidof resides in /sbin on some boxes
# Modifying the PATH to reflect that

if [ -z "`pidof MozillaFirebird-bin`" ]; then
        # No MozillaFirebird running
        ${MOZILLA_PATH}/MozillaFirebird $@
        # MozillaFirebird running - open a new window
        ${MOZILLA_PATH}/MozillaFirebird -remote "openURL($@ ,new-tab)"

Good luck.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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