
I encountered a really annoying behavior of eccelerator.

On my server I run several installs of wordpress using gentoo's webapp-config, all up to the same version. When the cache is empty all works as expected, it caches the called php pages. BUT when I access a different install of wordpress I get the sites that were cached for the installation i accessed before.

In the log of eaccelerator I see that the hits are for the wrong locations on the file system, it seems that eaccelerator only caches an checksum of the files accessed but not their actual path. E.g. all index.php for all wordpress installs are the same, as they are installed via webapp-config, and the cache hits for the first one accessed.

Are there any possibilities getting eaccelerator to run on a vhost environment?

Any help appreciated,

Solidarität ist die Zärtlichkeit der Völker. (Ernesto Che Guevara)

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