On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 06:20:25PM -0600, Dale wrote:
> I can't recall exactly how I did this but there is a command to tell the
> OS to set the clock on the mobo to the system time when shutting down. 
> That way everything should sync up when you reboot, except for that tiny
> little bit if you shutdown completely for a few days or something.  The
> command is hwclock.  I can't recall where I put the thing because I am
> logged into KDE 4 and I can't find nothing in here yet.  It's pretty but
> it is different so I'm lost.
> I *think* I put it in the rc file or something.  I remember the file is
> run during shutdown tho.  That may help if you know which file that is.

I believe you are talking about the 'clock_systohc' setting in

If none of these things help, you could always try disabling time-based
forced checks using tune2fs's option '-i 0d'.  You can read the man page
for how to do it.


Daniel Solano Gómez

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