Here's a script I have to handle running the updates.

If the portage hasn't been synced that day, it will clean out
the ccache files and distfiles, then sync portage.

Last line runs emerge to start updating the all the packages.

#!/bin/bash # # File: # Version: 20050421 # Author: Kirk Schneider # About: script to handle Gentoo portage updates # TIMESTAMP=`find /usr/portage/metadata/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime 0` if [ -z "${TIMESTAMP}" ]; then if [ -f /usr/bin/ccache ]; then /usr/bin/ccache -C fi rm /usr/portage/distfiles/* rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/* if [ -n "${RSYNC_PROXY}" ]; then /usr/bin/emerge --sync elif [ -n "${http_proxy}" ]; then /usr/sbin/emerge-webrsync /usr/sbin/emerge --metadata elif [ -n "${ftp_proxy}" ]; then /usr/sbin/emerge-webrsync /usr/sbin/emerge --metadata else /usr/bin/emerge --sync fi /usr/sbin/fixpackages fi /usr/bin/emerge --ask --deep --newuse --update --verbose world

-- Kirk Schneider

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ***SPAM(6.5)*** Re: [gentoo-user] 100% disk full again
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 15:18:06 -0300
From: Francisco Ares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Neil Bothwick wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 10:00:59 -0300, Francisco Ares wrote:
>>And that's a good point: /var/portage gets pretty full of hundreds of
>>megs once in a while, and so does /usr/portage/distfiles and (in my
>>case) /usr/portage/packages - so how could portage clean up by default
>>the binary packages
>I don't think it could, because it doesn't know which ones you wish to
>keep. I don't know about your reasons, but I use buildpkg so I always have
>a binary of the previous version available, making it easy to roll back if
>a problem arises.
That's a good idea, but how often do you need a roll back?  I sure have had 
some headaches, but at the end the new packages were kept, just had to learn 
how to use the new features/configurations (thanks to the development guys who 
are doing a wonderful job in keeping the stable packages, well, stable!)

I imagine that a new FEATURES key could provide a full cleanup of the 
/usr/portage/packages/ and /var/tmp/portage .  I would set-up this new feature 
just at the last machine to be updated and for each architecture type.

By the way, here it goes a suggestion for the portage developers: when building 
a binary package, please include an architecture identifier and check this ID 
before merging binary packages.


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