On 08/31/2015 07:14 PM, TheXzoron wrote:
> Basically after I deleted various files in my user's /home folder
> because it was getting full of configuration files for programs that I
> didn't use, all qt applications got stuck in this hard to read theme
> when I did not have any theme set.
> http://puu.sh/jL9cR/87b545fd17.png http://puu.sh/jL9e9/93425231cf.png
> Trying to change to theme to something else in qtconfig changes very
> little and the text in QT applications is always borderline unreadable.
> I have also tried reinstalling everything QT related from the binaries
> that got created with buildpkg but the problem still persists. It may
> also be worth noting that GTK+ in qtconfig, which I used so QT programs
> would look consistant with my GTK theme is not there and setting it
> manually in Trolltech.conf makes it say Unknown.
> https://puu.sh/jL9ju/d0928b6f2e.png
> What could I do to resolve this problem?
Turns out I had something mis-configured in my .Xdefaults file however,
It's still weird how I had this set wrong for months and it never showed

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