Neil Bothwick ha scritto:
> On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 12:55:23 +0000, bn wrote:
>> ...I would like to update the thing piece-by-piece, to troubleshoot
>> better whatever happens.
> Start with a system update, then emerge --oneshot individual,
> non-QT, packages to reduce the number of packages in the big emerge.
>>> If not, you can either 
>>> unmask portage, emerge portage and try again, or if you don't like
>>> that approach, you must do it the older, longer way:  
>> I could do it, if I have some safety option that allows me to downgrade
>> portage later, in case I find problems. I am quite conservative with
>> this system (it's a machine I use for day-to-day work) and I wouldn't
>> like to have it borked.
> Install and run demerge, then quickpkg your existing installed packages.
> Demerge lets you roll back to any point at which you saved its config.

I solved the block by unmerging and re-merging the qt's and then
re-emerging all of KDE (for other qt software, I have to find it).

Thanks a lot for your tips -didn't know of demerge, and I will for sure
install it for the future.


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