I'm about to have a go at replacing my dedicated Knoppmyth
FE/BE box with a backend on my "general purpose" Gentoo desktop
and a dedicated diskless frontend on an Intel Mac Mini.

Towards that end I'm looking at the "Official Gentoo MythTV
Install Guide" at 


I don't see anywhere in the process that mythtv is actually

Am I missing something?

Is that document "no longer operative"?  If so, it's
unfortunate that it's the first hit returned by Google for the
query gentoo http://www.google.com/search?q=gentoo+mythtv

[I think most of us great unwashed would presume a document
found on gentoo.org entitled the "official install guide" would
in fact be the official install guide...]

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Are we laid back yet?

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