Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 15:27:59 +0200, Michael Schmarck wrote:
>> It really depends on, from what side you're coming. If you want
>> just a few packages, then all is well with the current approach.
>> If you, however, want everything but a few packages, then the
>> current approach isn't so fine anymore.
> Do as previously suggested and use individual meta packages instead of
> the all-encompassing kde-meta, 

I think, I'm doing that. And in doing that, I came to the point,
that nothing depends on kde-i18n.

I did a

        find /usr/portage -name "*ebuild" -exec grep kde-i18n {} +

and found, that only the kde-meta package depends on kde-i18n.


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