Good afternoon all,

During the last few days I've managed my first Gentoo install. I now
have pretty much everything I need.

Gentoo base
still working on courier

One of the finest learning experiences I can remember. The decision to
walk away from Suse was not easy, as she had been my distribution of
choice for more than a year. But because of the direction I think
they're heading, I decided it was time. Just as I had with Red Hat a
year earlier. It wasn't really to difficult to pick Gentoo, although
Debian did cross my mind, because I felt the need to build from scratch
and see how much more knowledge I could cram into the gray matter.

<snipped my own babbling>

Major thanks to the developers for an excellent product and excellent 

Major thanks to all who contribute to this newsgroup for having
previously answered most of the questions I had. Posters and
respondents alike.

Major thanks to for providing archives of this
list. (As well as most other lists that are worthwhile)

And finally, thanks to Google.

It is not unusual for those at the wrong end of the club to have a
clearer picture of reality than those who wield it.
                                                      Noam Chomsky

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