Hi All,

I'm having a devil of a time getting my laptop on the school's wireless
network.  Here's what I've managed so far:

I've got a Dell Inspiron 5160.  I know the wireless card works with the
network because it works in WinXP without a problem.  I also know that
the linux driver is working because I have been able to connect to an
unsecured network, and I can successfully scan this network with iwlist.
The only problem appears to be authentication.

I've emerged wireless-tools and wpa-supplicant, and I know I have to use
them in some combination, but I can't for the life of me figure out what
goes where.

The network protocol is 802.1x and I've got an alphabet soup of Open
WEP, PEAP and EAP-MSCHAPv2 that I don't totally understand.  I know the
ESSID and I have a valid login.  The problem I have is that I have no
idea how to use wpa-supplicant and/or iwconfig to get the thing running.
I've read the help files and man pages, but I'm still confused.  Do I
use both in a certain order, or just one?  It seems like the WEP needs
an encryption key, but I think I use my password for the MSCHAP
authentication.  So where do I get the encryption key from?  Is that my
password too?  

 Any help anybody could offer would be great.

Thanks much!

Sean Crandall

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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