Hello One and All,

It's time for the old man to get a new portable. Ideally,
It be great if it were similar to other laptops, used by gentoo folks,
so getting the drivers all happy would be consistent. (sure a bit
idealized but not a bad idea?)

So here is what I like  (ALL AMD/Radeon)

Arm processor,
High end video card (what you can get now in a laptop or by Jan 1, 2019.
1 T SSD (dual drives would be keen for dual boot (doz_10)
USB 3.1+
17" screen or larger.

Please post any and all ideas, including (4) embedded arm boards
taped to the back of a 4K high res monitor.

Absolutely no Nvidia or Intel!
Any idea when all of this is going to be on 7nm?

Anxiously awaiting ideas,

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