
 mysterious, mytserious...

 An audio signal from an external source is fed into the line-in
 connector of my sound"card" (its on the mobo integrated...AC97 VIA
 Chipset/ Asus AV8 mobo).

 The pure playback of the external signal is fine without distortion,
 but if I set the channel to "input" with:

   amixer set Master,0 100%,100% unmute
   amixer set Line,0 100%,100% mute captur
   amixer set Capture,0 75%,75% mute captur

 (I tried different volume settings already...)

 the playback of the captured sound file sounds, if I would use a
 loudspeaker made from broken tin...AWFUL.

 Any idea, what is going wrong here ???

 Thank you very much in advance for any help!
 Have a nice weekend!
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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