
Well I just read where some folks use Calculate Linux Scratch [1]
to install gentoo. I guess you use the Calculate installer [2]
and then just easily [3] convert to gentoo as part of a new installation.
You can even customize your install [4].

"Later on, you should only have to remove sys-apps/calculate*, switch
profiles, and rebuild @system and @world. "  I think you also have 
to point to a gentoo mirror too.

I'd be curious to hear about anyone using Calculate Linux for there
installation. I'd be most curious about raid-1 (mirroring) stories
with btrfs and calculate linux...


[1] http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/en/cld

[2 ]http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/en/download

[3] http://www.calculate-linux.org/boards/15/topics/25561

[4] http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/en/interactive_system_build

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