Hi there,

it´s my first time writing to a mailinglist, so excuse me if this email doesn´t have the correct format ...

I´d like to create my own "thin client" - like Gentoo. After booting, it should just have a few processes running, like logging, Xserver, getty, ... Well, it´s not the problem to get rid of all the "unnecessary" processes. It´s more that i don´t know how to make the thing work out of the RAM. What folders, scripts, librarys, etc. have to be in the ramdisk? And how do i tell the system to work out of the ramdisk?

Is there any documentation for this special question?

I hope this is the right place to ask this questions, otherwise sorry!

Thanks in advance and best regards
- Christian -

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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