On Tuesday 25 March 2008, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> cairo's obviously built w/ GL, and your GL library is broken.
> In no way surprising, since it's NVidia's proprietary crap.

I have never expierienced any problems with the proprietary driver (till now). 
For sure it would be better if it were open but at least it always worked and 
had acceptable performance.

> You could try switching to another GL (via eselect) or rebuilding
> cairo w/o GL.

Strange, eselect showed that it was already set to xorg. Rebuilding cairo 
with -opengl made gtk+ compile. Thanks! Maybe an older version of the nvidia 
driver will also make it work.

> BTW: if you experience system lockups or X11 crashes, also the
> NVidia driver may be the source of evil.

Did not nice that before.

> Sad but true: there is *NO* reliable 3D driver for recent NVidia
> cards. NV's proprietary driver is crap, and they're totally unwilling
> to support OSS community in any way. So if you really want GL,
> either try software rendering (via mesa) or get a supported card.
> (I've got the same problem - didn't properly check before bying :( )

Supported card? ATI/AMD is just beginning to give information (when I bought 
the card both were binary only and nvidia had better 
performance/"compatibility") and Intel performance is just too bad. However 
this is getting off-topic :) and since it is an old laptop, changing cards is 
not an option.

Thanks again!

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