I'm mount /home off of a box via NFS. So far, it seems to be working but having a few issues.

On www ( /var/log/messages I see this sometimes:

Oct  3 00:45:00 www kernel: lockd: cannot monitor
Oct  3 00:45:00 www kernel: lockd: failed to monitor
Oct 3 00:59:42 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net not responding, still trying Oct 3 01:00:15 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net not responding, still trying
Oct  3 08:45:31 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net OK
Oct  3 08:45:31 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net OK
Oct  3 08:46:44 www syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
Oct 3 09:07:07 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net not responding, still trying Oct 3 09:27:06 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net not responding, still trying
Oct  3 11:23:32 www kernel: nfs: server clutter.pbp.net OK

(at around 01:00, the box "clutter" locked up solid.)

On clutter ( I see this sometimes:

Oct  3 11:31:11 clutter rpc.mountd: dump request from

DNS is ok, both A and PTR records are accurate.

I am *not* using tcp wrappers, so I don't have an /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny

'showmount' shows me this, though..

clutter home # showmount
Hosts on clutter:
clutter home #

Only 'www.pbp.net' is actually mounting it at this time. Its IP is The others in the list have mounted it in the past, but not for months. I don't know why they're showing up there at all.

The /etc/exports on clutter (the NFS server) is this:


The /etc/fstab entry on www (the web server) is this:

clutter.pbp.net:/home   /home           nfs             rw,hard,async   0 0

the NFS box seems to be ok on resources.

clutter home # free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          1008        142        866          0         54         57
-/+ buffers/cache:         30        978
Swap:          972          0        972
clutter home #

model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+


The thing I'm most concerned about are the messages that I noted above. I searched the forums and didn't see anything, and Google brought up some Debian list posts but no actual solutions or further information.

Anyone seen these before?

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