   I emerged eselect-oodict and it acts like it's doing something but
still I don't see any dictionaries in

Tools->Options->Language Settings->Writing Aids

   Under Languages I have selected English (USA)

   Is there something else I have to turn on to get spell checking
working for my wife? I do not see the entry this person has in the
upper box. Why not? I seem to have hunspell installed and it says it's
a replacement for myspell. Does it work? What's the special trick?


dragonfly ~ # eselect oodict show
OpenOffice.org configured dictionaries
  [1]   myspell
    Configured language codes from /usr/share/myspell:
dragonfly ~ # eselect oodict unset myspell-en
dragonfly ~ # eselect oodict show
OpenOffice.org configured dictionaries
dragonfly ~ # eselect oodict set myspell-en
dragonfly ~ # eselect oodict show
OpenOffice.org configured dictionaries
  [1]   myspell
    Configured language codes from /usr/share/myspell:
dragonfly ~ #

dragonfly ~ # eix -Ic spell
[I] app-dicts/aspell-en (6....@08/10/2007): English (US, British,
Canadian) language dictionary for aspell
[I] app-dicts/myspell-en (20081...@02/24/2009): English dictionaries
for myspell/hunspell
[I] app-text/aspell (0.6...@08/27/2007): A spell checker replacement for ispell
[I] app-text/gnome-spell (1.0.8(1)@07/27/2008): Gnome spellchecking component
[I] app-text/hunspell (1....@01/28/2009): Hunspell spell checker - an
improved replacement for myspell in OOo.
Found 5 matches.
dragonfly ~ #

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