Running debian jesse in a vbox vm on a Solaris host

I have what seems like an unusual problem with root login on this

I've done the normal things one does to allow root login; that is, add

   PermitRootLogin yes

to /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Restart ssh, and in fact this host has been rebooted a few times since
adding that Permit line.

I set sudo up to work with no passwd for a certain user long ago and
so I was able to redo root passwd just to make sure there wasn't some
error there.

Still, I cannot login as root user  I don't mean at the main login
screen one gets on bootup, but from an xterm in a running session.

Of course, checked to see if Caps lock was on... 

I'm fresh out of ideas as to what else to do here.

The log shows:

  Jun 11 14:50:55 d2 sshd[2830]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication
  failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=d.local.lan

  Jun 11 14:50:57 d2 sshd[2830]: Failed password for root from port 54522 ssh2

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