
I have some strange problems with jackd.

1.) With my setup it ha worked for a long time. 
2.) Suddenly it stops working (cant say, when exactly but I guess in
    the last month.
3.) Symptoms:
    When starting qjackctrl, the gui does not start. Instead no
    mouse action is working anymore except for cursor movements.
    I have to CTRL-C qjackstrl.

    Jackd does not play sound. If jackd is started, waterfox/palemoon
    do not play sound (YouTube for example), firefox, which was
    compiled to use alsa directly works.
    When jackd is stopped, waterfox/palemoon produce sound.

    The kernel log files do not show anything suspicious.
    /var/jackd.log is empty but of a current timestamp.

I recompiled both jackd and qjackctrl with no successful
result using the compiled execytables.

I tried to start jackd as user and as root to possibly find permission
problems, but jackd does not work in both cases.

What can I do to get them working again?

Thanks a lot for any help in advance!

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