Daniel Frey wrote:
> I've been trying to clean up my machines (pruning world file, etc) and
> am making progress.
> I ran into one issue, that being on my server (mythtv, file, etc) I am
> normally in text/ssh mode but occasionally I need X for something.
> Does anyone have suggestions for a small-footprint window manager (I
> have no need for a full desktop environment) as twm is just fugly and
> sometimes not intuitive. I also don't need a file manager as I use
> Midnight Commander which works well for my needs. This all stems from
> occasionally needing a gui for configuring mythtv or the ability to
> have two shells open side by side.
> I am thinking others have most likely had this problem at some point
> and have found something that's lightweight for this type of purpose.
> Dan   

I use icewm 1.3.8, now feel stuck in a rut because I want to also try jwm, 
ratpoison and i3, and upgrade where possible to icewm 1.4.x .

I see also the suggestion 

 $ ssh -Y <server>

but what would be the syntax for specifying <server> where <server> is a 
different computer on the same local network?


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