Alec Ten Harmsel <alec <at>> writes:

> This is not Gentoo-specific, but one of my roommates just replaced our
> router with a DD-WRT routers. For the most part, everything is great and
> I love it. There's one problem, that may or may not be cause by said new
> router. Between my desktop and my server, I can not ping/SSH/whatever.
> The ARP request never gets resolved. Every other connection between any
> other pair of machines works, just not desktop to server and vice versa.

First simple thing. Make sure your pc is in the arp tables for the 
router. Log into the router, however, and just ping your unresponsive

You shlould be able to just run the 'arp' command:

 # arp

In fact run that command from several nix machines.

If it is not in your dd-wrt OS, then research how to add
it or route the router with  a similar (embedded) OS


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