On Saturday 19 Nov 2011 17:32:27 Mick wrote:
> Has something changed in the bluetooth configuration over the last six
> months or so?  I can't seem to be able connect to rfcomm anymore ...
> I can connect to the phone, l2ping it, etc, but when I use kppp to dial,
> the modem does not respond.  Also, there's no rfcomm showing under
> ifconfig -a, which I seem to recall that it should normally come up.  This
> is my rfcomm.conf:
> #
> # RFCOMM configuration file.
> #
> rfcomm0 {
> #       # Automatically bind the device at startup
> #       bind no;
> bind yes;
> #       # Bluetooth address of the device
> #       device 11:22:33:44:55:66;
> device 00:1A:10:5C:20:BF;
> #
> #       # RFCOMM channel for the connection
> #       channel 1;
> channel 1;
> #       # Description of the connection
> #       comment "Example Bluetooth device";
> comment "Nokia 6021";
> }
> Any ideas?

Aha!  It seems that I have an access issue ...

If I connect with the phone as root (hcitools cc 00:1A:10:5C:20:BF) I can then 
query the modem and dial out.

Why would that be ... my user is a member of the uucp group:

# ls -la /dev/rfcomm0 
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 216, 0 Nov 19 17:44 /dev/rfcomm0


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