Stroller <stroller <at>> writes:

> > … sci-geosciences/opencpn is in portage [1]

> > However, much of the time, the Gentoo_nav_hadware will be
> > on a 17 foot boat (damp and salty if not wet) … So I'm looking 
> > for marine grade hardware onto which installation of Gentoo is 
> > reasonably straightforward.

> I don't know, but I think I'd start by looking at Android tablets. 

Here is what I've decided on: ChromeOS Arm-15 lappy:

Samsung Arm Chromebook:

It pretty much runs Gentoo now, according to Vapier....

> I'm sure there's an ARM version of Debian or Ubuntu that has been 
> released for mobile devices. 

Better than that, there are linux distros for with a
Nautical focus:

> with some waterproof bags, duck tape &/or rubber sealant you could get a >
very waterproof platform for not much money.

Better idea: Disassemble the lappy and spray down the boards
with a conformal coating:


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