On 11/09/14 03:37, Joseph wrote:
How to close virtualbox machine (windows xp) to a file?
I need to transfer it to another box.

I made some notes but they are old so I'm not sure if they are
applicable or there is an easier way.

1) Shut down the virtual machine you would like to copy
2) In File > Virtual Media Manager, select the virtual machine disk
image you would like to copy, and press the Release button
3) In a terminal window, issue following command (see virtualbox user

VBoxManage clonehd (complete-path)/directory/image1.vdi
VBoxManage clonehd /home/thelma/.VirtualBox/HardDisk/xp-clinic.vdi

4) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, add the new disk image you've created
in step 3.
5) In the main virtualbox window, press the New button to create a new
virtual machine, and link it to the new disk image you've created.

To re-attache the vdi:
Next we have to undo the Release we did before so that we can continue
using our Virtual Machine. In VirtualBox main Window select the Virtual
Machine (1) and press the Settings button (2). Go to Storage (3) IDE
Controller (left window - empty); "right click" on "IDE Controller" and
press the Add Hard Disk button (in the left window (4). Here select your
initial .vdi file (5) and your Virtual Machine will be ok.

I've noticed there is a "Clone" menu.  Do I use it and just tar.gz
entire folder to a new machine?

I use this method without cloning. This means that only one VM can run at a time:

Shutdown the VM on PC-1.
Copy the directory '~/VirtualBox VM's' from PC-1 to PC-2.
Import the VM into VirtualBox on PC-2.
Start the VM on PC-2.

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