On 7/20/06, Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This seems to be a problem with Gmail (I haven't seen it).

Well the only way this could happen is if his fetchmail setup (since
"General SMTP/ESMTP error" is a fetchmail message) or his local qmail
setup (just a guess based on the headers) was somehow fubared in a way
that only puked on gmail messages.

In any case, fetchmail/qmail should *not* be ignoring the return-path
header and sending bounce messages directly to me.  They are supposed
to go to gentoo-user+bounces, or the postmaster account, or somewhere
that someone can do something about it!!!

Use your ISP's mail service or find another ISP ?

Gaaa! And be restricted to only getting/sending mail from one
location?  Um, no thanks.  ;-P

But I think it is time to just filter this stupidity out....

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