I have mounted a networked usb drive to /mnt/network using the command:
mount -t cifs -o user=paul //lkg7f.homenet.com/disc2 /mnt/network
I then use:
rsync -Cav --delete --progress --exclude '*tmp*' --exclude 
'*Trash*' /usr /mnt/network

All files copy with no errors but symlinks always fail with the message:
symlink "/mnt/network/usr/lib/libgstinterfaces-0.8.so.0" -> 
"libgstinterfaces-0.8.so.0.1.0" failed: Operation not supported

I am wondering if this is a permissions problem.
My network usb server will not let me have a user called root so I have set 
user paul with the 'can do anything' previlege.
The mount and rsync commands are using user root

Can anybody help please.
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