
after a long period with a lot of problems installing
Ruby Gems and Gentoo packages containing Ruby Gems, I found
the following solution: I added a line

    s.executables = ["rake".freeze]

to the file "/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.7.0/specifications/rake-13.0.1.gemspec"
(and the other Ruby versions).

This fixed all my problems.

The longer I do research about that, I am convinced the bug
is inside the "to_ruby" method in
line 2423. That doesn't produce the "s.executables" line.

It gets called from Portage in
"/usr/portage/eclass/ruby-fakegem.eclass", line 277.

What do you think? Maybe someone likes to confirm this.
I will definitely not file any report or patch to neither
the RubyGems nor the Rake project any more.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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