
I put sqlite into USE flags of make.conf, remerged php and then
installed horde-imp.

On 7/29/06, askar k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm installing email system on the base of
In step of installing emerge horde-imp, I have errors:
Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Emerging (1 of 20) dev-php/PEAR-Log-1.9.3 to /
>>> checking ebuild checksums ;-)
>>> checking auxfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking miscfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking Log-1.9.3.tgz ;-)
 * Using dev-lang/php-5.1.4-r4
 * Checking for required PHP feature(s) ...
 *   Discovered missing USE flag: sqlite
 * dev-lang/php-5.1.4-r4 needs to be re-installed with all of the following
 * USE flags enabled:
 *   sqlite

!!! ERROR: dev-php/PEAR-Log-1.9.3 failed.
Call stack:
  ebuild.sh, line 1555:   Called dyn_setup
  ebuild.sh, line 668:   Called pkg_setup
  PEAR-Log-1.9.3.ebuild, line 16:   Called require_php_with_use 'sqlite'
  depend.php.eclass, line 222:   Called die

!!! Missing PHP USE flags found
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call
stack if relevant.

In this howto nothing was written about sqlite flag.

Can anybody tell what's the problem?


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