Hello Gentoo users. I've recently been encountering some issues running
games on my PC. Here's video evidence of the issues I've seen:

I am using a GTX970 with the latest proprietary nvidia drivers (495.44-r2)
on the normal amd64 profile (default/linux/amd64/17.1). It's not the
version that's causing the problem, because I recorded the linked video
*before* I updated the drivers. The update changed nothing.

Oh, also, in the past, I followed this
article, so my user *jamie* is part of the *realtime* group, and my
/etc/security/limits.conf file looks like this. I thought it might be
relevant since I set it up back when I used Desmume instead of melonDS:

> * hard rtprio 0
> * soft rtprio 0
> @realtime hard rtprio 20
> @realtime soft rtprio 10

All of this has been frustrating me for nearly two weeks, so any help or
tips are much appreciated.

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