On Sunday 08 October 2006 16:34, Steve Evans wrote:
> On Sunday 08 October 2006 20:53, Matthew R. Lee wrote:
> > On Sunday 08 October 2006 15:44, Matthew R. Lee wrote:
> > > Did as you suggested and removed alsa from the kernel and compiled
> > > alsa-driver but It didn't work.  The only thing that changed was the
> > > name of the chip it detected, same as yours.  I still only have Master
> > > with alsamixer and no sound not even quitely  I'm using kernel
> > > 2.6.17-r8 and the 1.0.13 versions of alsa
> > >
> > > Matt
> >
> > This might be part of the problem:
> > When I try to play an mp3 with madplay I get the following error
> > audio: /dev/dsp: no such file or directory
> > Am I missing something from the kernel?
> >
> > Matt
> I'm not sure what would cause that, udev should be creating the device. On
> my system /dev/dsp is a link to /dev/sound/dsp. Does that exist?
> I assume that your user is in group audio, so that you have access rights
> to /dev/dsp?
> Steve

Fixed the problem.  I found the following solution on the gentoo forums.  It 
worked for me.  I think the problem was with the lack of alsa-oss :-)
Thans for your help


1. Use the alsa-driver ebuild instead of the alsa drivers in the kernel. 
Unmerge alsa-lib, alsa-utils, alsa-oss and any other alsa stuff you have. 
 2. Before you emerge alsa-driver, configure your kernel as per the 
instructions on the alsa guide using the method for alsa-driver users i.e. 
JUST sound support and nothing else. Then remove your kernel modules 
directory /lib/modules/whatever-your-kernel-is, rebuild your kernel and 
install it (make clean, make && make modules install, copythe bzImage file 
to /boot or however you choose to e.g. link it for your boot loader). 
 3. Clean up /etc/modules.d/alsa. Well, just delete it, to be honest. 
 4. Reboot with your new clean kernel. You'll probably want OSS emulation, so 
before emerge'ing alsa-driver, check your USE flags contain both alsa and oss 
flags. The alsa-driver ebuild will pick up on this. Emerge alsa-driver. 
 You should pretty much be back on track with the alsa guide now, just emerge 
alsa-utils (should pull in alsa-lib), and alsa-oss as well. Then run alsaconf 
again. Run alsamixer afterwards. Add alsasound to the boot runlevel (not 
default). Reboot.

Dr. Matthew R. Lee.
Departamento de Ecologia,
P. Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Alameda 340, Santiago,
CP 6513677


URL: meiochile.matthewlee.org
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