
So I'm working on ebuilds for gentoo for apache-mesos-1.0.
It's an exciting cluster release and it can function as the basis for both
normal cloud needs and those of Hi Performance Computing.
I have a small cluster of amd64 system for this development work.

I want to simultaneously work on the codes on some arm64v8 hardware::
so if anyone has recommendations on low-cost access to say 5 nodes
(3 masters and 2 slave nodes) then that information would be keen to me.

The basic problem is finding arm64v8 hardware, with a decent amount
of ram, at reasonable prices.  The best I found is $40 per board
and I was wondering if anyone knows of a gentoo port for this hardware [1].

I am very open to any means to gain access to at least (5) ARM64V8 
cores for testing cluster ebuilds.


[1] https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/amlogic/odroid-c2

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