I have problems with usage of media kioslave in new-old kde 3.4.0. As i read, 
it can use fstab to detect hardware in system, and also additional tools like 
hal. I don't use hal, and rely only on manual configured /etc/fstab and udev 
to mount devices by hand, with mount commands. I thought that kioslave will 
work but it doesn't work, or should i say, not always.
With cds and floppy it works great, i can browse media contents and unmount it 
smoothly through kicker applet, but with usb sticks it almost always don't 
work (but sometimes does, i don't know why...), i can mount and unmount it 
but current state is not detected by kioslave, and i can't use media:/ 
protocol in konqueror to use usb mass storage.
My /etc/fstab (removable media section)

/dev/dvdrw /mnt/dvd auto noauto,users,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/cdrw1 /mnt/cd auto noauto,users,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,users,exec,rw 0 0
/dev/usb/usbdrive /mnt/usbdrive vfat noauto,users,exec,rw

udev rule for usbdrives (/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules, usb section for few 
memory sticks)

BUS="usb", KERNEL="sd?1", SYSFS{product}="Flash Disk", 
PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/scsi-devfs.sh sd %b %n", NAME="%c{1}", SYMLINK="%k 
%c{2} %c{3} %c{4} usb/usbdrive"
BUS="usb", KERNEL="sd?1", SYSFS{product}="USB Storage", 
PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/scsi-devfs.sh sd %b %n", NAME="%c{1}", SYMLINK="%k 
%c{2} %c{3} %c{4} usb/usbdrive"

Any suggestions why sometimes it DOES work with usb sticks and sometimes it 
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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