On Wednesday 22 November 2006 00:22, David Grant wrote:
> I have an lvm2 questions. I have 4 partitions in a pv, according to
> pvdisplay, sda6, sda7, sda8, and sda9. According to fdisk, only sda6,
> sda7, and sda8 are of partition type Linux LVM (0x8e) but sda9 is of
> type Linux (0x83). Does this matter? I would like to change the type
> of sda9 to 0x8e but I wanted to get someone else's expert opinion
> first.

Try it out and see what happens. Create an lv using all available space 
on all the pvs and if it's created, then things must be working right 
and lvm doesn't need the 8e partiton type.

If not, then simply use fdisk to change the partition type and try it 
again. Then you will have proven practical usage (which means 
something) as opposed to opinions (which mean very little)

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