071025 Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> On 10/25/07, Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've got X working on my new box with Fluxbox (KDE is more work).
>> I used 'Xorg -configure' to create the basic  xorg.conf .
>> It runs without any obvious problems, but there are  2  niggles:
>> (1) the log file shows "(EE) AIGLX: Screen0 is not DRI capable",
>> tho' X refuses to start without the 'Load "dri"' line in  xorg.conf ;
> The binary Intel driver (i810) has 3D Acceleration,
> but AFAIK the opensource doesn't.
>> (2) a big box appears in the middle of the screen
>> "Not optimum mode: recommended mode 1680x1050 60 Hz"
>> & sits there for  c 1 min , despite otherwise problem-free operation.
> This is your monitor, not your computer.  The message is pretty clear,
> try setting the resolution like it tells you.  a Samsung, right?

Thanks for the very sensible suggestions (smile).
A day's investigation has brought some progress, but questions remain.

Part of the problem is the KVM switch which I am using
to allow me to develop & test the new box while running the current box:
when I bypass the KVM & plug the monitor cable directly into the new box,
the mode-error window disappears & the screen image is the correct size
(earlier the Fluxbox panel & console fonts were too small);
there has been another problem with horizontal syncing using the KVM,
so later I plan to exchange it as defective while the warrantly is valid.

However, restoring the previous set-up using the KVM for both machines,
I've been exploring the software side of the problems.
(1) I needed to install several pkgs to get the full 'xorg-x11':
most of them were installed by Stage 3, but not all (grimace).
(2) I checked the DRI User Guide at  dri.freedesktop.org 
(a rather out-of-date site, but the UG seems ok):
it told me to specify 'Driver "i810"' (as DdV said above too)
& so I enabled it in the kernel & then installed pkg 'xf86-video-i810'.
(3) This had the welcome side-effect of curing the mode-error window,
but left the display larger than the physical screen
(the Fluxbox panel & the fonts were now the proper size).
(4) DRI was still not being enabled & the X log reported
that "[drm] failed to open kernel module i915",
which was what was causing it to mark the screen as incapable of DRI.
(5) I enabled 'i915' in the kernel, which resulted in a different log error:
"AIGLX error: dlopen failed, reverting to software rendering";
it was looking for  /usr/lib64/dri/... , but that dir doesn't exist
(it isn't in lib32 either).
(6) Gentoo doesn't offer an 'i915' driver under 'x11-drivers',
but since googling showed it dates from 2004, I'm not sure what's going on.
(7) Glgears reports  721 fps  contrasted with  1230 fps  on this box,
which uses the Nvidia driver with a separate graphics card.

(5) & (6) suggest I may still need to install further pkgs.
Any suggestions continue to be very welcome.

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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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