I'm about to embark on a biggish rollout of local watchdogs in my
monitoring solutions - about 100 hosts or so.

First tool I reached for was my trusty monit, been using it for years.
Before I start though, I figured I should ask around if anyone has
experince n a package that does what monit does better than monit does
it. I find I type way too much stuff into monitrc, too many hard-coded
file paths, too much stuff I have to look up in long-form to put into
monitrc. Unfortunately, systemd with it's respawn feature isn't a global
option, too many systems are not systemd. SysVInit is the common denominator

My needs here are pretty simple:
local watchdog that checks if a program is running and restart it if
not. If that fails 3 times or so, alert me.
Maybe a few file/dir/fifo monitors as well. Not much else.

I don't need any of monit's graphing features or M/monit, I have other
tools for that. And mostly don't even need it's http API either.

Alan McKinnon

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