
I had a lot of strange problems with mplayer the last two days.

I was busy doing a system upgrade which failed halfway (due to the libxcb
upgrade thing). This left my mplayer broken since ffmpeg was upgraded i
guess. No problem, just emerge mplayer again. Tried it, and the emerge got
stuck at "Checking for freetype >= 2.0.9 ...". It just hanged there.

So I tried to emerge a previous version of mplayer with the same results.

Next I read the abuild and disabled all the use flags pulling in freetype.
Then it got stuck on libmp3-lame, so I also disabled the mp3 use flag and
tried again. This time configure succeeded and it is now busy compiling.

revdep-rebuild tells me that everything except mplayer is fine?

Has anyone else experienced this?


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