With Plasma 5, the option to have different backgrounds and widgets on
different virtual desktops is gone, and I miss it.  There is work being
done to get something like that back -- at least I think so, from
<https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341143#c167>.  (Do not read that
bug report unless you're prepared to wade through an astonishing about
of whiny bugspam -- I just did, and my eyes are bleeding.)

AIUI now, the closest thing that can be done to get something like
distinct virtual desktops involves setting up different activities and
using the Activity Pager widget to switch between them.  Ideally, I
need a simple set of instructions on how to do that, written for the
user (me) to whom activities are a complete mystery.  I've searched,
but can't find anything close to that.  Does anybody know of a good
resource to help me?

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