I upgraded to udev-070 recently (and now to udev-070-rc1).
Since then, I can't mount  /mnt/cdrom  properly.
Before, my  /dev  directory had a  /dev/hdb, as well as /dev/hdb1,
/dev/hdb2 .... . Now, it only has  /dev/hdb1, /dev/hdb2, but /dev/hdb is
no longer there. I still don't understand how udev works; I read the
guide on
but it didn't help. I've read also a guide at
and I craeted the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules, which reads as

----------------------- /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules ---------
BUS="ide", KERNEL="hdb", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="cdrom cdroms/cdrom%n"

But it doesn't help. What I find rather strange is that if I do

# mount /mnt/cdrom

(my /etc/fstab points /mnt/cdrom to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0, which is a
symlink to /dev/hdb) I get "device does not exist". But if I try to
mount it on hdb1, it seems to create the file /dev/hdb, and now I can
mount it:

rojo ~ # mount -tiso9660 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom/
mount: special device /dev/hdb does not exist
rojo ~ # mount -tiso9660 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/cdrom/
mount: /dev/hdb1 is not a valid block device
rojo ~ # mount -tiso9660 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom/
mount: block device /dev/hdb is write-protected, mounting read-only

Any help as how to have the node  /dev/hdb  created at boot in a
somewhat clean way is appreciated.

Please notice also that at /etc/conf.d/rc I have the line


which is also not helping here.

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