   I've got a couple of older Pundit-R machines that we use as MythTV
frontend machines around the house. I was trying to get ready to do an
update on MythTV so I started working on both machines. In the process
I updated a lot of the basic system stuff on both machines but only
got  udev updated on one box before I noticed a problem on that
machine. When booting it now scrolls a bunch of messages past very
early on about devices having failed. udev shows up in the lines so
I'm assuming it is a udev problem. Myth14 is failing:

myth14 ~ # eix -Ic udev
[I] sys-fs/udev (087): Linux dynamic and persistent device naming
support (aka userspace devfs)

Found 1 matches
myth14 ~ #

Myth12 is still working:

myth12 ~ # eix -Ic udev
[ I] sys-fs/udev (056): Linux dynamic and persistent device naming
support (aka userspace devfs)

Found 1 matches
myth12 ~ #

   Where would I start looking for what's going wrong? There doesn't
seem to be any log file that holds boot time messages so I cannot
paste there here. Is there an app I can load that will save the
messages somewhere? Are they already saved somewhere that I haven't
found yet?


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