Hi Gentoo-users,

I have small problem with vsftpd, and because that software
has neither mailing-list nor user-forum, I have to ask here:

I'm moving my ftp users from local to virtual. My problem is:
how can I permit users to write only to their own directories,
but read/see all (even those of other users)?

With local users I simply created them with:
useradd -m -g users -b /home/ftp -s /bin/false user1

And for each of them I created subdirectory:
mkdir /home/ftp/user1
chown user1 /home/ftp/user1

In vsftpd.conf I had:

So when local user1 logged in (with ftp-client), he was in
/home/ftp, could see sub-dirs user1, user2, user3, etc.,
but could write only to his own sub-dir user1. How can I
do this with virtual users?

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