Alon Bar-Lev <> writes:

> On 7 November 2015 at 20:21, lee <> wrote:
>> Alon Bar-Lev <> writes:
>>>> How does pppoe work together with shorewall and bind?
>>>> When I stop the net.ppp0 service, shorewall is automatically stopped as
>>>> well.  When I start net.ppp0, shorewall is not started automatically.
>>>> I would like to automatically have net.ppp0 first started and then
>>>> shorewall.
>>> usually the firewall service should be started before all interfaces
>>> (except lo).
>>> add the following to /etc/conf.d/net.ppp0:
>>> ---
>>> rc_net_ppp0_need="firewall net.enp2s0"
>>> ---
>> Thanks!  I copied net.lo to net.ppp0 and put it at the top so it now
>> goes:
>> #!/sbin/runscript
>> # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <>
>> # Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
>> MODULESDIR="/lib/netifrc/net"
>> _config_vars="config routes"
> you do not need these^

They were already there, so I'll leave them.

>> rc_net_ppp0_need="firewall net.enp2s0"
> you do need ^

I took it out because when shorewall is started before ppp0 is up,
shorewall says it can't do things with ppp0.  So I think ppp0 needs to
be up for shorewall to work right and things have to be started in an
undesirable order (unless perhaps I would restart shorewall when ppp0 is

What's the right way of handling this?

>> I'm not sure if that's right --- I guess I shouldn't make a copy?
> correct :)


>>> this will make sure that the ppp0 interface is started after both
>>> firewall and enp2s0.
>>> I also have the following in /etc/rc.conf to avoid stopping services
>>> while network is down:
>>> ---
>>> rc_hotplug="!net.enp2s0 !net.ppp*"
>>> ---
>> The comment in /etc/rc.conf says no hotplugging is done by default.
>> IIUC, you are hotplugging 'net.enp2s0' and 'net.ppp*'?  So allowing to
>> hotplug them would kinda make them independent of other services, or
>> other services independent from them?
> no... the opposite, we do not want to be effected (! == not) by
> hotplug of these devices.

The description of this option says:

| # rc_hotplug is a list of services that we allow to be hotplugged.
| # By default we do not allow hotplugging.
| # A hotplugged service is one started by a dynamic dev manager when a matching
| # hardware device is found.
| # This service is intrinsically included in the boot runlevel.
| # To disable services, prefix with a !
| # Example - rc_hotplug="net.wlan !net.*"
| # This allows net.wlan and any service not matching net.* to be plugged.
| # Example - rc_hotplug="*"
| # This allows all services to be hotplugged
| #rc_hotplug="*"

With 'rc_hotplug="!net.enp2s0 !net.ppp*"', you would:

[1] forbid 'net.enp2s0' to be hotplugged and
[2] allow all services that do not match 'net.ppp*' to be hotplugged.

[1] is not necessary because nothing can be hotplugged by default.
[2] is very likely /not/ what you want --- or why would you want this.

Aside from this, what exactly happens when you allow a service to be
hotplugged?  Is this service never started by openrc because openrc
figures that the service is started otherwise (like by a device
manager)?  What does it do about services that depend on a service that
can be hotplugged?

And yet another question:

Does rc-update, or something else, monitor the scripts in /etc/init.d?
When I remove a script, or a link to one, from there, 'rc-update show'
doesn't show the removed script anymore, and it cannot be deleted from
its runlevel.

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