On 03/11/2017 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:
> wrote:
>> I have serial to USB converter, want to connect fax/modem to it.
>> In kernel: 
>> lsusb (device is showing up)
>> ...
>> Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0711:0230 Magic Control Technology Corp. MCT-232 
>> Serial Port
>> but the system did not create ttyUSB entry in /dev.
>> How to create ttyUSB?  I couldn't find any instructions on how is it done in 
>> Gentoo.
> I'm not sure on this but I did google a bit.  Does this help?
> I would think the udev rules would work in Gentoo as well. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Thanks for speedy reply. I found it.
I was missing in kernel: CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_MCT_U232=y
Enable it and ttyUSB0 showed up.

Hylafax works perfect over it.

My ttyS0 on my motherboard (I have only one) is toasted.  I don't even
know how to trouble shoot serial COM port.  I was able to send a fax out
but did not receive any fax for over several months (and I get at least
few spam faxes a month).  So after upgrade when I stared to test Hylafax
I realized I have a problem.  I couldn't receive faxes from remote server.
The modem lights were ON, it worked as I was turning it ON/OFF via "init
q". So I never suspected I have a problem with COM port on the motherboard.

When I use the same equipment and line with my other backup servers I
was able to receive faxes just find.  So I narrow it down to COM port.
I dusted up an old USB serial adapter connected modem to it and can
send/receive faxes perfectly.  It took me all Saturday to figure it out :-/


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