I am trying out programmable completion following the tab completion
TIP at gentoo-wiki:
Things mostly work as expected. 

I also turned on programmable completion for bash using 
  shopt -s progcomp

My question: how does the tab completion determine "suitable

for example:

[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ ls
test      test.m4v  test.mpg  test.pl  test.sh   test.wav
test.jpg  test.mp3  test.pdf  test.ps  test.txt
[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ vim test
test      test.pdf  test.ps   test.txt  
test.m4v  test.pl   test.sh   test.wav  
[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ mplayer test.
test.mp3  test.mpg  test.ps   test.wav  
[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ gv test.p    
test.pdf  test.ps   
[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ acroread test.pdf          
[07:32 PM]wwong TESTaudio $ qiv test.jpg          

I hit double tab after the vim, mplayer, and gv commands, and single 
tab after acroread and qiv. 

For example, I want to also make mplayer be associated to m4v, a format 
it can play, and not ps, a format I doubt mplayer deals with. 

Does anyone know how to make that association? 

So this neutron walks into a bar, orders a pint of lager and begins to
open his wallet when the barman says, "For you, no charge!"
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 47 days, 16:49
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