Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 06/01/16 18:32, Alan Grimes wrote:
>> Wrong, I say, WROOOOONG!!!!!
>> [...]
>> The game Planet Explorers (available on Steam) demonstrates how this
>> should be used. You are given a menu at the start of the game that lists
>> the available OpenCL implementations. You then select whatever device
>> you want to use for OpenCL that day...
>> So there should not be eselect OpenCL, All gentoo needs to do is enforce
>> standards on where the relevant libraries are stored and the application
>> will select which one to use.
> That's already the case. They're stored in /usr/lib/OpenCL/vendors/.
> eselect just allows applications that don't provide a mechanism for
> selecting an implementation to work.
> Not sure what you're asking for here :-/

Okay, nm then. carry on. =P

I was just a bit concerned because sometimes eselect is, necessarily, a
bit more brutal about things.

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