  I am trying to make XScreensaver turn off the backlight of my laptop
screen when I lock it, however I cannot achieve exactly what I want.
I have the following situation:

1. If I set XScreensaver to activate the "Blak Screen Only" mode after
some very-very long time (in order it not to start automatically) and
then turn the option "Quick Power-off in Blank Only Mode" on, the
backlight does not get turned off when I lock the screen, although
XScreensaver starts and indeed makes it blank.

2. If I set "Power management enabled" just above the previous one and
then set Suspend/Standby/Off times to some large values (for example,
720 min), XScreensaver turns the backlight off just after I lock it.
But if I touch a mouse or keyboard (which calls the unlock dialogue),
it does not turn the backlight off again after the unlock dialogue

3. If I set the "Off After" parameter to e.g. 1 min, XScreensaver does
turn off the backlight on locking and about 1 minute after the last
activity (that caused unlock dialogue to appear). But in this case
XScreensaver also turns the screen off when I don't need it, i.e. when
I just do not move mouse or touch keyboard for 1 minute -- even without
the explicit screen locking.

  If I recall correctly, I had this feature working properly some time
ago (probably a year or more). It did not blank the screen until I
click the "Lock" button and did turn off the backlight again when the
unlock dialogue disappeared.
  So could somebody please give me a hint on how to do the trick?



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