P. B. Goddard,B. Kravitz,D. G. MacMartin,H. Wang

November 4th, 2022

Marine cloud brightening (MCB) has been proposed as a potential means of
geoengineering the climate, temporarily providing cooling to offset some of
the effects of climate change. Marine sky brightening (MSB), involving
direct scattering of sunlight from sea salt injection into the marine
boundary layer, has been proposed as an additional geoengineering method
that could work in areas that are not regularly cloudy. Here we use a
regional atmospheric model to simulate MCB and MSB over the Gulf of Mexico
and nearby land, a highly populated and economically important region that
is not characterized by persistent marine stratocumulus cloud cover.
Injection of sea salt in the Aitken mode from a region in the central Gulf
of Mexico equivalent to 10.8 Tg yr-1 produces an upwards 8.4 W m-2
radiative flux change across the region at the top of the atmosphere,
largely due to cloud property changes. Comparatively, a similar mass
injection in the accumulation mode produces a 3.1 W m-2 radiative flux
change driven primarily by direct scattering. Injection of even larger
particles produces a much smaller radiative flux change. Shortwave flux
changes due to clouds are largely driven by an increase in cloud droplet
number concentration and an increase in cloud liquid water path (each
contributing about 45% to the flux change), with a much lower contribution
from cloud fraction changes (10%).

Source: AGU

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