Andrew Freedman

*03 May 2024*

[image: Illustration of the Earth shaped like metal cog]

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios

Janos Pasztor, a veteran climate scientist and diplomat, has joined a solar
<> firm
as an independent consultant, he tells Axios.

Why it matters: The move is a sign of how quickly geoengineering, which
refers to deliberately modifying the environment to temporarily slow or
halt human-caused climate change, is being viewed as a viable option as global
warming <> worsens.

Pasztor's job will be to consider the governance implications
a private company potentially modifying conditions in the upper atmosphere,
and he tells Axios his work products will be made public.

Zoom in: The company is called Stardust Solutions, and they claim to have
raised $15 million from private investors, with some money coming from the
Israeli Defense Ministry.

   - He will donate his earnings to an NGO working on climate change, he
   told Axios.
   - Pasztor spent two years contemplating the governance needs for
   managing geoengineering, specifically solar radiation management schemes.
   - Now "retired," he said he overcame his reluctance to take on this role
   (and to engage with a U.S.-Israeli company given the ongoing war in Gaza)
   because of the work's urgency and importance.
   - Companies are moving ahead
    with geoengineering demonstration projects and raising millions
   ultimately deploying such technology, without governments and society at
   large weighing in on such an immense topic.

What they're saying: "Whether one is for or against, or even unsure of the
eventual use of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI, or solar
geo-engineering), it needs society-wide discussions," Pasztor told Axios in
an email.

   - "Societies and their governments need to decide whether they wish to
   ban such activities; allow them to continue, but within guardrails; or do
   nothing, and let these different actors do what they want!" Pasztor said,
   knowing he may take some heat for consulting for such a venture.

   - "This governance gap needs to be urgently filled."

Between the lines: Paztor is a longtime, well-known climate scientist and
diplomat who once served as a top climate advisor to former UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

   - His willingness to take on an independent geoengineering consulting
   gig indicates how quickly this field is moving, as compared with the
   development of any coherent governance structures.
   - It is a sign that if governments and society at large do not act soon,
   the tech could simply be deployed, with unknown and potentially large-scale

*Source: Axios*

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